Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Web Quest Questions

(1) define / describe what a webquest is, (2) describe how you will use webquests in your classroom when you teach, and (3) indicate the pros and cons of using webquests.

1. A web quest is basically a lesson for students online as a website. The website lets students and teachers go through the lesson step by step.
2. I will personally use web quests in my classroom to assist in teaching student content during the course. I could possibly use the web quest for when I am absent from school. The substitute teacher simply has to give the students the website and then the students will be given instructions through the internet. This ensures that the material that I want to be covered will not be forgotten about or taught in the wrong way.
3. The pros of using web quest is that it is an easy way to have students complete tasks that are relevant to the content that is being covered. The cons are that this may be the future of teaching and could potentially replace teacher's jobs.

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