Saturday, April 11, 2009

Getting Started Reflection

I viewed “Web 2.0 Tools to Amplify Elementary Students’ Creativity and Initiative” because I am interested in becoming a teacher of elementary age students. This video gave some incite as to how an elementary teacher could use Webquest, Wiki and a few other cites to teach students about technology while learning. I was amazed at the activities that students a such a young age became involved in. During the video they created their own profiles on a wiki. On their profiles' were an animated version of that student. They first designed the character and then added auto to the profile. The animation's mouth would move right along with the audio track that was recorded. The student would introduce themselves through the audio feed. Another positive activity that the teacher presenting this video talked about was Webquest. She mentioned that Webquests came out a few years ago and that she really likes that, but does not use is as much because they are still very teacher instruction based; whereas, she likes student discovery to be lead by the students themselves. She mostly provides links on Thinkquest for her students so that they can lead their own discovery. She makes the stipulation during the students computer time during class is that they stay on websites provided by her through the Thinkquest website.

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