Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Reflection on Teacher Web Pages

(1) What is a teacher web page?
- A teacher web page is a website that is made up completely by a teacher. It allows students, students parents and the community to keep tabs on the day to day activities of that teacher's classroom. This page provides users with information pertaining to class work and homework.

(2) How will you use a teacher web page when you teach?
- I will keep my teacher web page up to date so that my students, the community and the student's parents can see the progress that is being made in the class room. As a teacher, I will let my students know that when they are absent that they are to check my teacher web page for the assignments they missed while absent.

(3) Positives and negatives of using a teacher web page.
- Positives of having a teacher web page in my mind greatly out weigh the negatives. A teacher web page is just a great way to keep the line on communication open between student and teacher. Students can check assignments when they miss class or did not hear about an assignment so that they do not fall behind. Teachers can communicate directly to the student's parents rather than sending notes home with student (which we all know is not the most efficient way of communicating).
- The only negative that I can see as to why a teacher web page would be negative is that it might take up extra time for the teacher. The teacher may have difficulty finding time to update the site. I see no negative effect to a teacher having a teacher web page on the students of community.

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